And Satan Came Also - An Inside Political History of Oklahoma City Print
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Thursday, 28 August 2008 02:21

By Albert Leroy McRill, Britton Publishing, 1955, out of print, a few copies can be bought online or at antique stores for $150 to $200.


Review: As with other things, the writing of history may be specialized into any number of fields or limited to a certain interest. One area of historical inquiry oftentimes neglected is any forthright approach to the influence of the smoke-filled room and its politico occupants, whether on a local or national level.

Often these same worthies upon close scrutiny are found to be in close harmony with the seamy side of society and with the area of the community known colloquially as the "tenderloin district." Human nature being what it is, or for that matter if human nature were different than what it is, any objectively written book of history with such subjects as its principal theme is worthy of close attention and more than passing interest. Particularly if the volume is the careful and studied product of one whose entire life has been devoted to municipal improvement, civic betterment, and local government at the working and practical level. This book meets all such tests.


Judge McRill has packed between the covers of this book many names that, except for the volume, would live on only by word of mouth, tradition and smoking room after dinner story. They all come alive and seem back in business again - Two Johns, The Turf Exchange, The Southern Club, Big Anne, Old Zulu, Noah's Ark, The Red Onion and all the rest. We of today's generation are fortunate that it may all be recorded for us in this fashion, so that even though the insatiable march of time has precluded a more intimate introduction, we are not to be deprived of such acquaintanceship altogether. Thanks to Judge McRill for giving our generation a reference book on something that heretofore the only reference has been eavesdropping in the club room when it is filled with old-timers.

- 1955 review by George Shirk

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Last Updated on Saturday, 15 October 2011 22:50