Home Vintage OKC TV Local History on Video I.M. Pei's Tale of Two Cities

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What is the most historic building in Oklahoma City?
I.M. Pei's Tale of Two Cities PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Sunday, 28 February 2010 01:19

For the longest time it looked as if the following video might only be presentable at speaking events. But thanks to Justin Tyler Moore over at www.abandoned oklahoma.com, we're able to present "A Tale of Two Cities" online. This film was created by the Urban Action Foundation, a non-profit organized to promote I.M. Pei's vision for recreating downtown Oklahoma City. Take a good look at the future downtown - it's a vision created through the use of a fish-eye lens that captured the finest details of Pei's model of what downtown Oklahoma City would look like in 1989 - the city's 100th anniversary. Spanning 10 by 12 feet, say what you will about the plan itself, the structure by all accounts was pretty impressive. Wouldn't it be great to see this model in person?